I am delighted to see that someone has finally prepared books to compliment the many fine books used in teaching today. These "Skill Builders" go beyond the usual exercises and give excellent, clear approaches to the various techniques needed to develop the aspiring clarinetists. Each presents clear, well illustrated approaches to the various skills needed in fine clarinet playing.
Do not overlook the Intermediate book - it fills that area that is so often neglected.
Fred Ormand
Professor Emeritus
The University of Michigan
David Etheridge’s new set of books entitled A Practical Approach to the Clarinet is an absolutely terrific addition to the pedagogical literature for clarinet. David’s work over the past forty years comes through very clearly in the entire series as these present a unique way of identifying a specific approach to performing music with the clarinet and the problems inherent in that music making. There are many fine ideas presented in a logical manner and are accompanied by many pictures to help both the student and teacher understand the concepts and approach presented. I congratulate David on his work and thank him for giving the clarinet world a unique approach to clarinet teaching and performance.
Russell Dagon
Emeritus Professor of Music
Northwestern University
Retired Principal Clarinet
The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra